Monday, November 22, 2010

fatal mistakes

In order to cover these topics, I'm going to explain the 3 fatal mistakes 98% of network marketers make day-in and day-out, causing them to waste their time with uninterested prospects, deal with stress-increasing rejections, and spend way too much time focusing on the wrong tasks!

Have you ever sat down and tried to figure out why the vast majority of prospects and leads you talk to don't join your downline?
In the past 20 years I've figured out that...
d It's NOT because of a lack of money
d It's NOT because of a lack of time
d And it's NOT because they don't think it's "for them"
The #1 reason your prospects aren't joining your downline is simply because they don't understand network marketing itself.
Unfortunately network marketing has gotten a bad rap because of a few bad apples.

When people hear network marketing...they don't hear the words "opportunity, automated income, helping other people, or time freedom"...they hear the words "ponzi scheme, pyramid, only the top leaders make money", etc.

And since they're conditioned to think of network marketing as a "negative"'re essentially talking to a brick wall and wasting your time!

Therefore - the FIRST thing you must do to become successful is become a master salesman so you can then help overcome their #1 objection.

However...learning to become a master salesman takes YEARS of dedicated practice - something I'm sure you don't have the time to do.
And even IF you're already a great're still making a huge mistake by trying to pre-sell each of your prospects.
Let me explain...
Learning how to become a "salesman" is one of the biggest mistakes I see network marketers make.
The reason isn't because selling doesn't work - it's because of the 2 major flaws in becoming a salesman.
d Flaw #1 - The first flaw in becoming a salesman is that you probably have some type of resistance to it. You don't want to be seen as a snake-oil salesman...right?
Of course not - and I completely agree with you. I would never want to be seen as that either.
Instead, you should be focusing on becoming a helping friend instead of a salesman.When you talk to each prospect, pretend you're helping out a close relative or even your own brother or sister.
d Flaw #2 - The second flaw in becoming a salesman is that it takes a lot of time to learn how to do it.
Now don't get me wrong - if you want to be succcessful in this business you should learn at least the basics of selling.
However, you should figure out a plan so instead of YOU overcoming their #1 objection (which is a very hard task to accomplish) should only focus on talking to prospects who don't even have that objection.

This makes your life MUCH easier by not requiring you to become a "master salesman" in order to make sales. Taking this approach requires only knowing a few of the basics of effective communication.'s going to save you hundreds of hours of time which would otherwise be wasted trying to "convince" prospects that network marketing is for them.

Doesn't it make sense to talk only with prospects who are already convinced that they want to join a network marketing business?
Let me explain this a bit further...

Imagine for a moment that you're already an amazing salesman. For every 100 people you talk to, let's pretend you can convince 15 of them to join your downline.

And let's also say you need to talk to each prospect for 60 minutes on average.
From my 20 years experience...that's about what you can expect from a great salesperson.
But think about this.

If you add that'd be spending 400 minutes to get a single new member in your downline.
That's over 6.5 hours for 1 single prospect!

And THAT is why being a "salesman" and trying to overcome your prospect's #1 objection by yourself makes it nearly impossible to achieve a monthly income high enough to replace your J.O.B. or give you the time freedom you deserve.
So how do you correct this problem?
Mistake #3 reveals the secret

Ever wish your downline would be as motivated about growing their business as you are...
...or that they'd simply do a better job of selling their prospects into joining the business - allowing YOU to receive the upline commissions you deserve? can't scientifically clone robots of yourself to train each and every downline member you have.
But who ever said SCIENCE should be a roadblock to achieving your dreams and goals?

If you go back to my'd be spending roughly 6,000 minutes in order to get just 15 people in your downline.
That's 50 hours of stomach butterflies, sweat-soaked hands and twitching muscles you get when talking to prospects.
If you tried to do this every week, that's an extra full-time job with overtime!
I know I don't want to do that, nor do you.

Being a 1-man army is NOT something you should aspire to do, nor should anyone currently in your downline or future downline.
As I learned first hand...the secret to building a monstrous downline is taking yourself OUT of the equation and following a "system" - allowing you to simply send prospects to the top of the funnel and let the system sell them for you!

And as you may have guessed...I've figured out what has proven to be the most easy-to-use system forgrowing a bigger downline, working less and even helping your downline get more members(which, of course, means YOU get more hefty commissions!)
I'll get to that in a second though.

First, let me explain why the REAL danger of being a 1-man-army is not that you have to work more...'s that those 85% (or more) of prospects who don't join your downline are those who will bring you to your knees in agony and cause you to give up and quit your opportunity before you make any real money.

After all...unless you have skin thicker than an elephant's's only a matter of time before all the rejection and "no's" catch up with you and cause you to give up on network marketing forever.
In fact...I recently read a study proving that only 3-5% of network marketers have skin thick enough to handle repeated rejections without quitting.

So it only makes sense that you need to figure out a way to eliminate those dream-crushing rejections...right?

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