Monday, November 1, 2010

Raise Yourself from Failure to Success in Network Marketing

You probably have an image firmly planted in your mind of what network marketing
(also known as direct sales or multilevel marketing) is all about--housewives buying and
selling Amway, Tupperware while gossiping, or a high-pressure salesperson trying to
convince you how easily you can become a millionaire if only you and your friends and
their friends and so on would buy and sell vitamins with him.

Both of these images could not be further from the reality of network marketing. It is
neither a hobby nor a get-rich-scheme but an opportunity for you to earn money running
your own part- or full-time business. But what does it take to succeed in this industry?
Know more about the industry.

This is your business. Everything starts with you. You are your own navigator. Whatever
effort you make will reflect on the business. As they say, you are your boss.
Network Marketing is a dynamic, vibrant, rapidly expanding channel of distribution for
the marketing of products and services directly to consumers. It is a type of business
model, like other business models.

In today’s world, products and services are mainly sold through enormous marketing
and advertising campaigns after passing certain channels of distribution. This method
involves high costs which the customers need to cover later in the form of high-prices.
However, Network Marketing provides a direct promotion/sales opportunity for a
consumer product or service, person-to-person, away from a fixed retail location. These
products and services are marketed to customers by independent salespeople. It’s
driven mainly by the power of word-of-mouth advertising, which has proved to be the
most effective over the years.

While many close-minded people outside the industry (and others who have tried it and
failed), have biased or negative wrong impressions, and despite the fact that it is used
and abused by many crooks and con-artists, this business model has exceptional
performance potential.
There are bad apples in every bunch, and this industry has more than its share. But it
can produce outstanding results if you know how to find the right company. To
maximize your potential, there are a few simple concepts whose understanding is
critical to your success.

Choose wisely.
There are few key elements you should be looking for when selecting an opportunity.

Stability. How old is the company? How long the Company exists in the market?
By these information you will Identify the integrity of the company and the management,
and what kind of products or services? The most important question you should ask
yourself, Is it possible to make some one’s life better with this Company and the
products or services?

The pay plan--how even and fair the payment system? This is really crucial as
the pay plan represents exactly how you will get paid--or not get paid. There are really
only two questions to ask [regarding this]: How many Dollars out of each direct or
indirect sales dollar get paid back to the Networkers each time they promote the
business. The most important area, how fair is the Compensation system, and how long
will take a newcomer start getting his/her first payment?

the most important is support, training and business systems. You may have
chosen a great company with excellent management, products or service that makes
people life better, a pay plan that's uniquely fair and very generous, and momentum and
stability, but if you don't have a system in place that works, all of that doesn't matter.
Most Leaders will have a transferable training system that they use, and that's where
mentorship comes in.

Teaching is to provide information (knowledge). But Training is to apply that
knowledge in some practical manner.
The most effective form of training is to make sure that when the new partner does
something outside the “Comfort Zone”, an upline is there to nurture, support and

You need to be willing to listen and learn from mentors. The way this industry is
structured, it is in the best interests of the Leaders to help you succeed, so they are
willing to teach you the system. Whatever your mentor did to become successful, it is
very duplicatable, but you have to be willing to listen and be taught and follow those

Taking care of business
Without a daily dose of self improvement and motivational exercise, climbing your way
to the top of the achievement mountain is nearly impossible. You should be listening to
motivational material on a daily basis. It literally changes your perceptions about your
real worth and helps remove self-limiting boundaries often put in place by yourself. This
is a business of patience, consistency and persistence requiring a productive commitment to achieve significance results

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always
ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary
truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment
one definitely commits oneself, and then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur
to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue
from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and
meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come
his way.

” W. H. Murray – The Himalayan Expedition.
The next question is why most people who failed in network marketing. Nevertheless,
how many of these individuals actually came across success in network marketing?
Do we give ourselves a chance in the network marketing by understanding why people
fail in network marketing? If we knew these reasons and avoid them, then don't you
think everyone has a fair chance in this billion dollar industry?

The following reasons can be summed up in few drawbacks in Network Marketing:
 They DO NOT take the business seriously
 They DO NOT invest time to master the business
 They DO NOT know how to present the business
 They think it is a "Get-rich-quick" scheme
 They have NO focus
 They have doubt
 They have NO clearly defined goals

People often view network marketing as a small time business for part time income.
Hence, they do not take the business seriously. Why do people view network marketing
as a small-time business?

They look down on the business due to the very fact that it is a network marketing
business, they listen to people who tried but failed in the business and most importantly
is that people view this as a small business because they did not need to invest large
capital to get started.

Imagine this, if a person opened a Computer shop. How many hours would he spend in
the Computer shop? How much effort would he invest in the Computer shop? Will he
open and close the shop as his mood desires?
Why should a Network marketing business differ? Hence, if you compare the return of
investment (ROI) for network marketing to a traditional business... which one has a
higher income potential?

KNOWLEDGE, TIME MANAGEMENT and PRIORITISING are important to keep your
business growing.
If you have never run your own business before, then Network Marketing opportunity
can teach you all of the skills necessary to create a successful Network Marketing
business. The skills you learn as being part of Network Marketing opportunity is like
gold dust and get started with a proven business and blueprint for your success is
something strongly to consider.

Committed to your success,
Suhaib Mohamed
Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
Skype – skype_ultima

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