Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Will I Be Afraid..........When I have a good JOB

Unemployment is a threat; high level of retrenchment is the order-of-the-day. Citizens wander around the corners of the country with tons of paper containing their C.V., looking around for possible employment. Many searched for a salary paying job until they became over-aged and unsuitable for employment. 

Thus, poverty and hunger turn out to be the employer of our Nation’s youth.
The meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result; it’s by this we suggest people should focus less on the white collar jobs and draw their minds toward the status of an entrepreneur. 

This is the business of this generation. The government continually told us that they are not in the business of employing people but creating an environment for employment.

Starting a home-based business is the alternative not only in Africa but all over the world. The sooner we realized; the better for our break-through.
That's why you have to make sure you do all it takes to re-direct your mindset to a state of self reliance.

With honesty, dedication and commitment many willing individuals who wants to remember, aim and achieve the dreams of the past has a very good chance of making it.

This we do through our training/seminar programmes where we sequentially sensitize, showcase, train and assist our participants on various opportunities that has ever existed within our reach but which we never saw. 

There’s nothing new under the sun; but there’re many things we’re yet to experience.

In starting a business, the one question that comes to every mind is START-UP CAPITAL. there are affordable businesses that may be ventured into with little or no capital with a quality and high income generating potentials that can be as soon as its commencement.

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