Sunday, December 5, 2010

"CHANGE" .....the cornerstone of all progress

Breaking out of weakness and creating change can be challenging. We must all embrace change to live bigger and better lives. You do not have to be the same person today that you were yesterday or who you hope to be tomorrow. No matter the emotional struggle, mental struggle or spiritual struggle. You can change!

Change is the cornerstone of all progress. Change is the only constant in life. We are either making progress or not. If you are frustrated by a lack of change in your life then you should realize your life doesn’t have to be the same everyday. Mediocrity is not normal. Mediocrity is an adapted behavior to an adopted lifestyle. We naturally tend to gravitate towards comfort and where we were once in the throws of change and progress, we’ve now settled into a place of comfort, safety and familiarity.

Some of us are stuck for other reasons. Perhaps you’ve had negative words spoken to you or you’ve had unsuccessful experiences in the past. I want you to know that whatever the case may be, you can always make the choice to move forward. We all can.

Your most significant progress will be invisible long before you ever see visible progress. It is the inside work that comes first before your outside environment changes. A change in perspective alone can be enough to get you to your next level. In the case of perspective, nothing around you changes at all but how you “see” your surroundings makes the difference for initiating change. Why is that? HOPE! All you need to do is to be able see the possibility of being able to live differently and you can soar to higher heights! By choosing to see yourself and your opportunities differently, you can change without waiting for your situation to change or circumstances to be just right. And that’s the key! Choosing to change!

Four Power Points for Change
Consciousness. You must be aware of your personal state of being. You must WAKE UP! Do not allow your mind to go numb from mediocre life routines. Avoid the same-old, some-old stuff of your life. Indeed, break the old routines and do something different or do the same things in a different way. You must create an awareness of who you are and what you do and ask yourself: Why am I doing this? What do I really want to do? Don’t give too much time watching other people live their dreams. Decide to live your own. You must cut back distractions and set out to expand your experiences and opportunities. Play games, read books, solve some problems. Wake your mind up and feel your life again!

We all have been endowed with the powers of creation. We create new ideas all the time as we talk and share our thoughts. Creativity is not a talent of the super gifted. Put your mind to working on ideas that will change your life. You mind was created to solve big problems. Don’t believe me? Look around you. Everything that has been created, large and small, started in someone’s imagination! You can do that to! Think big ideas about the kind of life you want and the type of person you want to be. Create a big life and play it in your mind before it ever plays out on the stage of your real life. Don’t ask yourself how you are going to get what you desire or how you are going to become that person you imagine becoming. Just imagine the possibilities and create a future so compelling that obstacles eventually crumble under the power of your imagination, passion and your pervasive will to win!

Find something to contribute your time, talent or resources to. Nothing creates as sense of significance like helping a good cause that you passionately believe in. That cause can be a charity, a business or a personal interest of some other type. By making meaning through contribution you put your life on the fast track for change. Contribution brings you to a place of satisfaction and awareness that allows you to experience life as it happens rather being numb to life as it passes you by. Your powers of creativity will explode as your mind is directed towards a compelling cause for which you want to create meaning and attain great value from. You will derive a great sense of empowerment from participation. No man or women is an island. We never succeed on our own.

In all that you do and pursue, you must choose to be content. You can’t have it all and you can’t have it all quickly. No matter what advertisements tell you. But you can have what you desire and you can have it sooner than you think you can through desire, discipline and dedication. Don’t worry about the Jones’s. Don’t think about how much time you’ve lost or how far others may be ahead of you. Just keep your eyes on your chosen prize and enjoy each moment of challenge and change your along your journey through life. Contentment is the key to being able to experience the beauty of life as it happens. It allows you stop and smell the roses no matter what your situation in life may be. When you are content, you can enjoy yourself, your loved ones and your work in this world no matter what peaks or valleys occur along the way. That my friend is powerful living.

My humble request here is to let us get together and face the challenge and smell the coffee along the way.

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